
Registration will include attendance at all sessions, the conference package with the program book, poster session, conference banquet, and coffee/tea breaks (except for the 1-Day Public Pass). The deadline for registration is May 1st, 2013. Late registration will be subject to a late fee. Presenters should note that payment of the registration fee is required for inclusion of their abstract into the program.

The fees in US dollars are as follows:

Including late fee: $590

Students (with valid student card) or participants from developing countries
Including late fee: $275

One-day Public Pass registration
This is available at the conference for members of the public or press, and includes attendance to the sessions for 1 day. It is not available to presenters.

Please fill out the Registration Form, print, sign, and return it by fax to +1-289-464-6071, or by email to the conference secretariat (